HOUSTON, TX, December 20, 2021 – Nacero Inc. is pleased to announce the addition of Mark D. Levine, who co-authored the 2007 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report that received the Nobel Peace Prize, to the Nacero Advisory Council. Dr. Levine, who is a senior advisor at the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, described Nacero’s potential to slow global warming as an opportunity “we can’t afford to miss.”
Nacero plans to break ground next year on a 100,000 barrel per day facility in Penwell, Texas, that will convert natural gas and renewable natural gas into gasoline with a significantly lower lifecycle carbon footprint. Nacero Blue GasolineTM, made from natural gas, will have a 50% lower lifecycle carbon footprint than gasoline made from crude oil. The lifecycle carbon footprint of Nacero Green GasolineTM, made from renewable natural gas, will be zero. Both will be useable in today’s cars and trucks without modification.
Current members of the Nacero Advisory Council include:
Al Fohrer, former CEO of Southern California Edison.
Suedeen Kelly, former Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Commissioner, now head of the energy practice at Jenner & Block in Washington, D.C.
Jim Marston, recently retired head of the Texas office of the Environmental Defense Fund which he opened in 1986.
Dan Pickering, Founder and Chief Investment Officer, Pickering Energy Partners, Former President, Tudor, Pickering, Holt, & Co. and Former Managing Director, Simmons & Co. International.
Nancy Saracino, Former General Counsel and Vice President, California Independent System Operator, now head of Western Energy and Water.
Ian Schapiro, Managing Director and co-founder, GFI Energy Group, now Oaktree/Brookfield and Co-Portfolio Manager, Oaktree Infrastructure Investment Strategy.
Howard Stevenson, is the Sarofim-Rock Professor emeritus at Harvard Business School. He has served as Senior Associate Dean at HBS and Vice Provost of Harvard University.
Carl Zichella, Former Director, Western Transmission, Natural Resources Defense Council, former Director Western Renewable Programs, Sierra Club.